
Multifaceted Skills for Better Future



Taught by experts, students
can further their skills and
potential to boost their confidence.
They can also choose a suitable
course from a wide range of
options, such as Hip-Hop, K-Pop,
Cover, Jazz, and Street genres.



Students can learn practically
by understanding the procedures,
designing and crafting their work,
and solving problems, all of which
promote their systematic thinking skills.



Aqua-Tots is a swim school,
which originated in America,
specializing in teaching swimming
to four-month-old infants
and young children. The journey
is divided into eight levels,
from absolute beginners to
advanced swimmers. It also has
a heated salt pool filled with mineral
water and managed by UV and O-Zone
purifiers, globally standardized
by the USSSA from the United
States of America.




Students can learn block coding
through Minecraft, developing systematic
thinking skills, visual-spatial intelligence,
and collaboration skills.

3D Toys Maker

3D Toys Maker

Students can learn the systematic
creation process by designing 3-D toys
on Maker Empire. All the works will
be produced by a 3-D printer.

Students can also practice creative
and systematic thinking skills to
enhance their visual-spatial and
bodily-kinesthetic intelligences.



Young students can learn
the cooking process to improve
their tangible senses in a fun environment.



Students over four years old can learn
robotics to become young engineers,
enhancing their creativity, systematic
planning, and teamwork skills.



Students can learn to express
their creativity and gain concentration
through drawing, painting, and crafting.
We also offer a paint room where
students can practice painting on
a canvas. Furthermore, students
over 2.6 years old may learn digital arts.



Students can learn Korean martial arts
from experts. Using different parts of
their bodies, these kids can
improve strength, concentration,
mobility, patience,and discipline.
We also offer an opportunity
to join a Taekwondo competition
and contest from a white to a black belt.
Students must be over four
years old for safety reasons.



Students can learn all genres
of Western music, including singing,
from specialists. We offer a
one-on-one class, focusing on a solid
foundation and credible assessment.
We are also training students
to be qualified at Trinity College
London and ABRSM. Moreover, our
students have an opportunity
to show at an in-house concert twice
a year. Students must be 3.6 years and above.

ballet dancing

ballet dancing

Students can boost their skills and
confidence. This class is open to
all genders and levels. We are also
training our students to be qualified
by the Royal Academy of
Dance (RAD). Moreover, students
have an opportunity to show
at an in-house concert twice
a year. Students must be 3.6 years
old and above.


VDO testimonial


Children's Potentials

Information for a Free Trial Class.






Give Space is the space where
life skills in the future are taught
to enhance kids’ multiple intelligences
and readiness for changes.


We offer effective courses to suit eachstudent to further their potential multi dimensionally. 

We guarantee that your investment in your children’s development with us is worthwhile. 

We teach in a positive environment with minimal distraction which cannot be found
in most traditional classrooms.

Number 2, Soi Thawi Watthana 22
Sala Thammasop Subdistrict,
Thawi Watthana District, Bangkok 10170

Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-19:00 hrs.
Saturday-Sunday 09:00-18:00 hrs.

Copyright 2024 ©

Musical Intelligence

This includes musical engagement and appreciation through auditory processing, remembering, and songwriting. It also equips students with the knowledge of rhythm, melody, and musical grammar so that students can express their abilities by humming, beat timing, playing musical instruments, and singing.

Why Do Kids Need Musical Intelligence
This enhances children’s development and creativity, especially emotional intelligence, through music.
Those with Musical Intelligence Can:

– respond to music, listen to music, sing, and play
   musical instruments.
– distinguish melody and learn music quickly
– learn about rhythm, sound, and music well
– recognize musical grammar as a foundation of
   musical appreciation

Relevant Courses at Give Space



ballet dancing

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

This includes the ability to control the body and express ideas and feelings through each organ. It also involves the ability to produce handicrafts with swiftness, strength, flexibility, delicacy, and senses.

Why Do Kids Need Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence?
This lays a solid foundation for important activities requiring strength, mobility, and balance, such as sports.

Those with Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Can:
– demonstrate fine and gross motor skills.
– communicate non-verbally in presentation and acting.

Relevant Courses at Give Space



ballet dancing

Interpersonal Intelligence

This includes the ability to understand others, including emotion and intention, by recognizing non-verbal cues, such as facial expression, posture, and tone. Students with this ability can communicate, socialize, negotiate, convince, and solve problems well. Therefore, this intelligence is indispensable for everyone.

Why Do Kids Need This Skill?

This is a fundamental skill for humans to socialize, benefitting their social and work life.

Those with This Skill Can:

– recognize others’ thoughts
– live and work with others as either leaders or followers well
– understand and respect the differences of each person
– learn about others well

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Visual-Spatial Intelligence

This includes visual perception and ocular ability to express oneself effectively

Why Do Kids Need Visual-Spatial Intelligence?
This plays a big part in helping kids use their bodies effectively and precisely when they move, write, and play.

Those with Visual-Spatial Intelligence Can:
– Visualize and design well 
– Perceive depth, distance, and directly accurately
– Express themselves through visuals and colors.

Relevant Courses at Give Space


3D Toys Maker


Intrapersonal Intelligence

This includes self-awareness and control to express oneself appropriately. It also involves risk estimation and the judgment on when to encounter, avoid, or ask for help. It teaches to assess oneself accurately, in terms of strengths and weaknesses.

Why Do Kids Need Intrapersonal Intelligence?
This broadens individuals’ visions of themselves so that they can develop themselves precisely for higher confidence, better psychological well-being, and more attractive personality.

Those with Intrapersonal Intelligence Can:
– Recognize their strengths and weaknesses.
– Understand themselves to define their real goal.
– Plan to improve themselves
– Work independently 
– Develop their own interest

Relevant Courses at Give Space


3D Toys Maker


Linguistic Intelligence

This includes language ability, ranging from regional to foreign ones. It also involves language acquisition and effective communication.

Why Do Kids Need Linguistic Intelligence?
This skill is important for cross-cultural communication. It facilitates communication, working, and learning in today’s world.

Those with Linguistic Intelligence Can:

 Demonstrate effective listening and reading comprehension. 
– Express their thoughts verbally.
– Communicate precisely.
– Read analytically and accurately
– Write precisely and accuratel

Relevant Courses at Give Space



3D Toys Maker

Logical-Mathmatical Intelligen

This includes critical thinking and mathematical calculation

Why Do Kids Need Logical-Mathematical Intelligence?
This skill teaches them to plan, manage, and handle everyday issues systematically.

Those with Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Can:
– Think critically
– Interpret abstract concepts, like math
– Solve problems appropriately and effectively

Relevant Courses at Give Space



3D Toys Maker

Naturalist Intelligence

This includes the knowledge of nature to understand natural rules, phenomena, and creation. This also involves the ability to deduce the future of nature and distinguish types of organisms.

Why Do Kids Need Naturalistic Intelligence?
Research reveals that this skill enhances kids’ abilities to learn and communicate in everyday contexts. Furthermore, they can develop their intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional quotient (EQ) through understanding diverse environments in the contemporary world.

Those with Naturalistic Intelligence Can:
– Appreciate the beauty of nature.
– Understand natural changes and phenomena.

Relevant Courses at Give Space


3D Toys Maker


She can read and understand the notes very well.
She is now aware of the rhythm.
She knows more notes now
He has improved his concentration.
Not only can he focus on the lesson well,
but he is now also able to craft and communicate
through his artwork. He has studied here since
he was in a pre-school age. His mother explains
that he is keen on studying with us. Now,
he feels even more enthusiastic
because his friends also join the lesson.
He has studied here since he was two years old.
Now, he turns four years old and demonstrates clear
physical and psychological progress.
He loves studying here. A big thank for all
the teachers and staff members.
He has improved his critical,
creative, and systematic thinking skills,
as shown in how he invents his toys.
He is more confident and creative when
expressing his ideas and communicating
with friends and teachers.
He understands the lesson well,
especially the parts and functions.
As all learners do, he learns to design a robot and solve problems. In each workshop,
he practices based on the teacher’s
suggestion and he achieves it.
He has better problem-solving skills;
moreover, he is creative and responsive.

Physical and Movement Skills Development Group at Give Space



ballet dancing

Natural Science Skills Development Group at Give Space

Natural Science Skills Development Group at Give Space

Natural Science Skills Development Group at Give Space



3D Toys Maker

Natural Science Skills Development Group at Give Space



3D Toys Maker

Natural Science Skills Development Group at Give Space

Natural Science Skills Development Group at Give Space

Natural Science Skills Development Group at Give Space